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Connector address attribute must be set.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-223009 TCAT-AS-001730 SV-223009r961863_rule Low
Connectors are how Tomcat receives requests over a network port, passes them to hosted web applications via HTTP or AJP, and then sends back the results to the requestor. The "address" attribute specifies which network interface the connector listens on. If no IP address is specified, the connector will listen on all configured interfaces. Access to the connector must be restricted to only the network interface(s) specified in the System Security Plan (SSP).
Apache Tomcat Application Server 9 Security Technical Implementation Guide 2024-05-23


Check Text ( C-24681r426471_chk )
Review SSP documentation for list of approved connectors and associated TCP/IP ports and interfaces.

Verify the address attribute is specified for each connector and is set to the network interface specified in the SSP.

Execute the following command to find configured Connectors:

sudo grep -i -B1 -A5 connector $CATALINA_BASE/conf/server.xml

Review results and examine the "address=" field for each connector.

If the connector address attribute is not specified as per the SSP, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-24670r426472_fix)
Ensure the address attribute for each connector and the network interfaces are specified in the SSP.

Edit the following file From the Tomcat server as a privileged user:


Locate each Connector element then edit or add the "address=" field for each connector and specify the appropriate network IP address. The following is an example using a random IP address:


Restart the Tomcat server:
sudo systemctl restart tomcat
sudo systemctl daemon-reload